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The group can perform its show in two ways: stable or moving. In the first case the spectacle is acted in a pre-decided location which should be respectful of the safety conditions, and does not implies significant movements. For performance in movement, instead, we mean the possibility to perform accompanying a parade, or only the audience, through the path of a cortege.

The show begins with the salute, that is a short parade of musicians and flag-wavers. This introducing choreography is not only a formal way to inform about the beginning of the show, but is lived like an act of tribute to the audience and an involving invite to join the feast. So, let the trumpets sound and the drums roll: flags in the air!

The games of flags feature the ensigns realizing figures through evocative and elegant movements. It’s a show on the edge between dance and juggler ability, but, in its powerful impact, we can also recognize its military origins, when the waving of the flags was used in the battlefields to communicate between distant deployments.

To reach fluency and composure in the execution of the exercises, many hours of training are needed, as well as an extraordinary physical and mental concentration. The exhibition can be performed also in couple or in team, enriching the spectacle and revealing even more clearly the gifts of sense of timing and coordination that are primary to express the harmony of figures. Depending on the number of flag-wavers we can distinct different kinds of exercises:

Singolo (Single): a solo performance of an athlete who can wave until the number of four flags at the same time.

Coppia (Couple): a performance of two athletes.

Piccola Squadra (Small Team): a performance of four or six athletes together with one or two flags-to-head.

Grande Squadra (Big Team): a performance of eight athletes together.

The drums and the trumpets accompany the flag-wavers with exciting marches which evoke the ancient military rhythms. In this way, the parade of the historical group is emphasized by a succession of melodies that takes the listener to the suggestive atmosphere of the re-enacting.

But the musicians’ basic role is to split the different parts of the show, beginning, as said, with the initial salute, announced from the sound of trumpets and the roll of drums. The marches alternate, depending on the kind of exhibition, to produce the most efficient sound: a pressing background music for the swordsmen’s duels and a smoother sound for the exercises of flags. This because the accompaniment of the games of flags needs diligence and coordination to follow the cadence and change the music, according to the development of the figures. In the end, is drummers’ task to declare the end of the performance with their drumbeats, and let the flag-wavers eventually hail the crowd along with an exciting melody.

The swordsmen represent a suggestive and spectacular component of the group. This companionship, named “Compagnia del Montone”, can stage emotional duels and edged weapons fights, showing ancient renaissance techniques learned during many hours of tiring and scrupulous training. The possibility of measure themselves with a good variety of arms (pole weapons, swords, daggers, bucklers and many others) and the technical and physical preparation of the swordsmen make this performance even more surprising. With sparks resulted from strokes and calculated movements of the duellists, we admire swords and challenges and we feel the emotion and suggestion of suddenly finding ourselves in an ancient age.

Elia Oliva

e-mail: sbandieratoriemusici@libero.it


Via G. Baccarini, 6
47011 Castrocaro Terme e Terra del Sole (FC)

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